Wednesday 5th of July – 2- 4 pm 

Join Nick for a walk around the area, making notes on a map and sharing ideas (meet up at 25 Victoria Place, DG9 7HE on sat nav and Google Maps)

Thursday 6th of July – 11.30 – 4.30 pm 

Drop-in session at Unexpected Garden – if the weather foul retire to Library.

Friday 7th of July –  9.30 – 12.00 

Join Nick for a walk around the area, making notes on a map and sharing ideas (meet up at 25 Victoria Place, DG9 7HE on sat nav and Google Maps)

THE STANCTUARY is one of the priorities in Stranraer’s Place Plan is already in development. Come and have a look at the grounds around the Black Stank burn – a potential Sanctuary (or Stanctuary as we’re callling it) for wild wellness for adults and children.

Nick Chisolm, the Project Officer for the Blank Stank Project is in Stranraer this week to meet locals and do some site visits with folk wanting a look at the site and an understanding of its potential and the timescale.

He would love to hear ideas and views from the community on how the space can be shaped for Stranraer, answer any questions about the project and how the biodiversity can be increased in this fantastic local green space.

Look out for Nick and he will happily share more information with you. 

Across these 3 days pretty much anything can be discussed as long as it is related to the ecological restoration of the Black Park, for example, but not exclusively:

  • Access around and in and out of the site
  • Potential tree planting schemes, what, where and by whom
  • Biological/ecological surveys carried out by the community (with appropriate support)
  • Creative uses of the site by the community.
  • Potential events that could be run supporting the project aims.
  • Third-party organisations that can be used to route additional funding through.
  • Potential funding partners beyond the grants Dumfries and Galloway Council already have.