On a miserable, cold day in March, we set up a Place Plan stall in the foyer of Park Primary and hung around for 4 hours to catch a word with parents and carers turning up (despite the weather) with and without their children for Parents Night.
It can be a nervous-making thing, Parents Night, so we were grateful to all those who could focus outside their own concerns to chat.
We shared information about the next week’s Vision & Action public meeting at the Rugby Club (with free food and music making it a welcoming event).
We talked about the Place Plan, what it might bring to the town and the things already in the pipeline – like saving the George Hotel as a creative hub and a new watersports centre for more Get Wet fun. (Both should be ready in 2025.)
Parents were keen to hear about it. Asked about ‘what else’ for Stranraer, the usual things come up… ‘fix what we’ve got’ and ‘how about a bowling alley’.
We’ve put these comments into the Place Plan.