The sun shone on Stranraer today for a filming session.

The stars of the show were members of the ‘Town Team’… a range of folk from all walks of life who share other locals’ ambitions for the town. They have volunteered to help steer the Place Plan.

Pictured above is the Town Team Chair, Nikki Vjatschlav, talking passionately about her day job at The Unexpected Garden. She hopes to bring all her knowledge of growing to grow community and build ownership for Stranraer’s bright future.

The film features several of the Town Team talking about their shared goals:

The mission is to have One Vision, One Plan. 

The vision is that we all rise on the tide, as Stranraer changes.

Our values are to be:

– Fair… everything we do is inclusive

– Green … everything we do enhances our environment

– Open … everyone is open to ideas, to trying things.