Stranraer’s Place Plan is live!
The draft went public on 1 June. We’re consulting on it from 2-30 June.
This is YOUR chance to have your say.
We need you to
- ‘like’ the Plan to show the town supports this bid for £5 million
- Rank 6 priorities
- Offer your feedback.
What next?
At the end of the consultation:
- we’ll gather feedback and make any changes to the Plan
- we’ll order the priorities in line with your ranking votes
- we’ll then submit the final Place Plan to Dumfries & Galloway Council for a meeting on 15 August.
- Once they endorse it, it goes to Borderlands Fund for them to decide which of our priorities they might support. (We might not get all the money we ask for.)
Get voting!
Jump to this survey to ‘like’ and vote.